

Last November, I went up to San Francisco for the first time in my life to help out with a photo shoot. I got to skate a bit of the city the night I got there. Just cruising around by myself, finding random little spots to session for a minute, at around midnight. The next day i got to hike up the steepest hills I've seen, in the rain. But I was able to look over the city in the room we were in. Which I was psyched on. Plus free subway.

Unfortunately, my lens isn't quite wide enough, and I wasn't quite bright enough to shoot the whole landscape. But I work with what I've got.



So if you look to your right it is apparent that I was way psyched on this when I first started it in February. Then it slowly started to fade. Although each one of my posts was bigger. This is due to me shoot much more. Also, I've been busy with other things like music, and skateboarding. Like this day last week or so. We(Jake, Zach, Trevor, & myself) started at this secret spot to warm up. Then went to a secret secret spot to throw down. well not me. My set-up was so bad that day, I broke my kingpin standing in the grass and the first secret spot. So I just captured the others. We went to a few others. But not worth mentioning how secret they really are since they're so damn secret I might get shot if I referred. To sum it up, I saw Trevor ollie the sketchiest gap ever.



Today my brother drove down to the beach with Tom and I. It was cold and windy so we left shorty after arriving.


Past SD trip

It is weird for me to think of going to San Diego as a trip. Though cool at the same time. A good weird I suppose.
his time I went with Cano and Alex for a filming, or footage mission if you will.
Went to the beach, IHOP, where I saw the nastiest human head ever, and a late night train station.
A good time, must be said.